Cuddle More And More Getting Bad OH! Too much! OWWWIE!!! Ummm... Ewww? YAY! TOYS! :)


Well.... Ya'll want this to say something, huh? Ok...
Really quickish...

Step 1 - Common Sense
Keep your clothes on. Clothes make cuddling easier. The baggier the better (though this may just be a personal fetish.) Wear something comfy, but something that can't be ripped off in a hurry. Most of the time cuddling is spent laying around somewhere. You don't wanna be wearing something you don't want to get wrinkled, and you don't want to be wearing something that will get too worn out if you're rolling around in it. Clothes are the most important part of cuddling. They prevent nasty things (see any other page here :-p) from happening. Cuddling is meant to be a special time. Don't let icky things butt in and take over.

Step 2 - A Good Start

Relax. The whole purpose of cuddling is to feel comfortable with the boy you're with. If you're not comfortable, you shouldn't be doing anything more than cuddling. Cuddling is non-invasive, and should be soothing. Don't try to make it more than it is. Keep it simple. Refer to Step 1. ALWAYS remember Step 1. It'll save you from embarrassment, and help keep you in a safe zone. Cuddling is a great way to get to know someone. Especially if you're doing it somewhere quiet and alone. He'll say things to you. Listen to him. Take time to talk back. This is one of the best times to communicate. Talk about what you want, and decide if you want to/are ready to move on. Again, if you're not comfortable cuddling with him, you don't need to be doing more. Cuddling should make you feel safe, not uncomfortable. If it doesn't, determine if it's the boy you're with or if it's the environment that's making you uneasy. Either way, stop it and don't push things. Physical relationships are something you should try to keep reserved for someone you care about. *

Step 3 - Keep going
Don't just hold him. And don't just let him hold you. You both have arms. Hold each other. That's what they're there for. Sure, there's exceptions to this. Some people don't like being held (CONTROLING tops), and some people (TOTAL bottoms) don't like holding people. If you're with one of them and you're the other one? Great. Otherwise there should be some compromise. Besides, it's always fun to change roles once in a while. Of course you can always just hold each other. That's best :)

Step 4 - And Going...
Don't JUST hold him. Light, soft touches are GREAT! They can make you feel warm and comfy, or if you hit the right spot can make you feel... well... not so much warm and comfy as... well... hot and bothered =X Try to avoid those places until I get a Foreplay page up. :) (BTW, that link doesn't do any thing... yet...) Touching is a good way to get more intimate, but stay somewhere safe. It's also fairly acceptable outside the house. Don't be one of those people doing... stuff they shouldn't... on a dance floor. (Gods do I feel hypocritical...) Cuddling starts just by holding each other. It can just be holding hands, prolonged hugging, or sitting on each other's laps. Referring back to Step 1, you should keep your hands on the outside of the mandated articles listed in Step 1. Remember, there are limits to what other people want to see. **

Step 5 - STOP!
Do something else. Put on a movie, get a picture book (it's childish but trendy =P ), finger paint, watch fireworks, or something. ANYTHING. Keep yourselves occupied with each other, but have something else going on. If you don't, some of those... less sightly things will happen instead of cuddling. We don't want that. Really. We don't. :)

Step 6 - Misc. Hints and Tips
Squeeze him (GENTLY). Hug him. Hold him. Run your fingers through his hair(WHEEE!! /me loves this. Take notes.). Run your hands down his spine. Hold his hand. Keep scooting closer. Get used to being near him, and let him get used to being with you. Enjoy your time together and don't try to over do it. Cuddling is mostly a mind state. It's a feeling of elation from being with someone you care about and want to be with. In some ways, is's more intimate than anything else discussed here. Until you master the art and practice of cuddling, you cannot truly enjoy a more physically... demanding... mode of interaction. Cuddling is where your bodies fade away and your minds and souls can come together. If you get to the point where you feel like you're merging into one being, you're doing it right :)

Well... That's a start. And a good start. HOPEFULLY this is the first page you've read.
Keep it clean. Keep the clothes on and the hands in "Safe" areas. Don't mess this up ESPECIALLY if you haven't gotten around to reading the other pages yet. :)
You wanna pic on this page? Fine.... and lookie! It's a link too! :-p And don't #@%#@% about it not working. Talk to Darian :-p (He's in the Pic with Justin, his b/f)


* Ok... I know there's some nights when you don't want to cuddle... you just want to skip to THIS... For those nights, don't worry about it. Do what you need to do and let it go. Don't be ashamed of it. You only live once and there is no reason to keep yourself from having some fun while you're here. USE PROTECTION by all means, but don't feel bad about something you've done if you've enjoyed it and taken all the necessary precautions to make sure it was safe. You'll make mistakes sometimes. Sometimes you'll want to go home with someone and cuddle and they won't be the cuddly type. At that point you'll need to decide if it's worth your time and the emotional stress it will cause you for a few brief moments of physical satisfaction. Most of the time it isn't. But some nights... well... some nights it is.

** Of course, some people don't wanna see boys holding hands... Well... too bad for them (/me glares at his mother) They'll have to learn to live with it. But you can make it easier on them by not doing more than that in public. One of (/me sniggers) my mom's (note lack of continuance of snigger) biggest complaints is that Pride parades and event are just excuses for "Those kinds of people" to do promiscuous things that ought not be done in public. Well, she has a point. If you don't see straight people doing it, don't. EVER. In public. If they do it though, and you have the chance to do it too, do it, just to shake them up a bit. However, don't do the exceptions. If you see breeders... breeding in a park somewhere, don't follow suit. Let them get arrested. Actually, go get the cop :)